Long and low bouquet for a birthday.     Flowers provided by Palisades Flowers.
 Condolence arrangement created in stone container using oasis foam.   Flowers provided by Palisades Flowers while  working at Palisades Flowers.
 Centerpieces made using peonies, dahlias, smoke bush, spray roses, calcynia, and astrantia. Made for a client at The Bud Stop. 
 Arrangements I made for a Frida Kahlo inspired party. Made for a client at The Bud Stop. 
 Centerpieces for a baby shower I made while working at The Bud Stop
 Centerpiece created using decorative cake dish and oasis floral foam. Created for Palisades Flowers.     Flowers provided by Palisades Flowers
 One of the altar pieces I did for a longtime client at The Bud Stop for her wedding. 
 A couple of vase arrangements I made to go out for delivery at The Bud Stop. All arrangements going out of The Bud Stop are custom. Clients call in and we speak to them to get a personalized idea of what they'd like to have sent out. 
 Fiesta inspired arrangements for a party.   Flowers provided by Palisades Flowers while working at Palisades Flowers.
 One of the centerpieces I did for a little boy's third birthday party. He was really into peacocks and their feathers. Made while working at The Bud Stop. 
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